Sunday, August 15, 2010

Monkey Toots and other compliments

Yep, folks, I said it "Monkey Toots" and it's a compliment, trust me:

In February, my church honored me with an award for following one of our core values: loving. I have spent the last five years serving in a special needs Sunday school classroom. When I first started, we had eight kids and now we currently have 25 kids and 23 families. I was told I deserved it and I am doing a wonderful job "pastoring" these kids. It was a sweet award and I am grateful for it and the support from my church family. I felt encouraged to continue to Love like Jesus. And while this is more than enough, God continues to encourage me. Here are three compliments which stand out:

The first was when two woman who I respect tell me "Aimee, you are such a light in this world." In a time where I am struggling, it is good to know the light of Jesus always shines through. My God conquers all!

The second came when one of our kids came in the class and says "Aimee, you're my best friend and I brought you a surprise." Then hands me a kit-kat bar. I am so in love with her. She calls me a friend and gives me chocolate. Who wouldn't be in love? Her mother also said "my family is so sweet." and when I agreed, she said "No, I am talking about you." I wanted to weep with joy. My God is magnificent!

The 3rd came in the form of two little boys who thought they were up to no good. Last weekend I took Isaac, a 14 year old boy with down syndrome and Dalton, a 10 year old boy with multiple physical and developmental issues, bowling. I have known Dalton for 7 years now, I started out as a nurse and ended up as a part of the family. In the past year, I have gotten to take him for a weekend once a month or so and just spend some time with him. He thinks it's just for him but truth be told, I think I have as much fun as he does.

He had asked all weekend if we could go bowling with Isaac and I kept saying "we'll see." Then Sunday, he asked Isaac's mom, she was swamped at home and thought she would pass. I said I would take the boys and her and her husband could get some stuff done at home. We went to a small place near my house. Ordered pizza and bowled a few frames. They had a blast. It didn't matter if they would hit the pins or throw the ball in the wrong lane (seriously, this happened twice). You could hear them from any part of the bowling alley. They cheered themselves on, they cheered for the kid on one side or the group of twenty somethings on the other side and they cheered for me. They cheered for me the loudest; All I had to do was stand up there and drop the ball and they were yelling "Yahoo! Good Job Aimee! Way to Go!" They did a little dance when I bowled a strike. One woman came up to me asked how I knew them because these kids adored me. I don't think I have laughed that hard in a long time.

On the way home, they were making animal noises in the back seat. I would guess what kind of animals I had...I think I hear elephants...I think I hear cows...I think I hear monkeys. Then I made the mistake of saying "I think I smell monkeys in the back seat." They thought that was hilarious. Isaac told me "Aimee, you smell like a dog." I was trying not to laugh as I pretended to be flabbergasted by this. They were giving each other high fives in the backseat and snorting with laughter. I asked if I couldn't smell like cupcakes instead or cotton candy or chocolate (or other food words that start with a c) but they said no and tried to out do each other in telling me what I smell like. Dalton says "You smell like a camel." High-five. Isaac says "You smell like a lion." Another high-five. Dalton again, "You smell like a monkey." Now they have moved on to fist bumps.

Then Isaac says the grand daddy of them all, "Aimee, you smell like monkey toots."

I almost snorted in laughter. It was hard to keep a straight face. After we dropped Isaac home, I told Dalton I couldn't believe they had said I smell like monkey toots. And Dalton in all seriousness, tells me "Aimee, it's a compliment, it's a compliment in our heads."

Apparently, God has a sense of humor because this is my love language: 2 little boys telling me I smell like horrible animal bi-products and it's a compliment.

My God loves me! I am reminded of Psalm 23: My cup over flows. Tonight my heart over flows.

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