Sunday, May 23, 2010

Servant hearts

We had an auction at church today to help raise funds for kids camp. I went today and promised myself I would do whatever anyone asked me to do. Several weeks ago, I realized I needed to change my heart about serving.

I love my church and I serve almost every Sunday-loving a class of special needs kids. While I do this willingly, I also began walking into church thinking "oh I don't have to serve this time, I can be served today." I realised I need to walk-in to church believing there is an oppurtunity to serve the Lord here. This is my church. In fact, I need to walk into life as this is an oppurtunity to serve the Lord. Sometimes that may be serving the church but it also may be serving my family, those I work with or some stranger whose path crosses mine.

I think of the story of Ruth and Naomi. Ruth served Naomi even when her world said forget her. Her willingness to serve not only changed her life but also ours as from her family came Jesus. She didn't preach to thousands but she served her friend and God. It was the little things.

Tonight I meet this sweet couple who prepares food for the seniors at my church. Cindy and Barney. They love to cook and plan meals and simply serve. They are doing what they love to do but they are also providing a gift to those in our church. Serving with a glad heart and loving what they are doing. What a sweet example they are.

Thank you Cindy and Barney!

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