It was the best birthday party I have ever had. I don't know if I can really explain all the joy and love I received in these 2 very short hours. I had asked my family and friends if on my birthday, we could spend it with the kids from my class. We had talked in the past about having a bowling party for Exceptional Place as bowling has quickly become one of our favorite past time. Both in class (with a small set) and out of class (see Monkey Toots and Other Compliments).
We had so many birthdays and events to celebrate this summer, it seemed like perfect timing. We invited families and friends and a few of the kids and set out to bowl a few frames for the afternoon....
We took over the bowling alley (the poor management). It was truly joyful chaos and I loved every minute of it (minus the phone call from Sandi telling me about Brandon's broken leg). There was 4 lanes with at least 6 people on each lane and a few extras milling about here and there. It was a great time and here are just a few moments that stand out:
Bailey kissing my ball and "helping" me bowl as she asks a thousand questions a million miles a minute. I love that girl! I think she is has the enthusiasm of Cookie Monster paired with a hug that would...bowl you over (pun intended).
Isaac sneaking up behind me and "scaring" me every 2 minutes. Isaac can't sneak up on anything to save his life. My little piece of joy was pretending to be scared every time and watching the smile and giggle it brought to him. Isaac's parents wrote me a beautiful card and Isaac had signed his name with a heart because he said "I love you and you are so pretty." I love this kid.
Hanna's mom didn't know there was a ramp where Hanna could bowl too. We rolled Hanna up to the ramp in her wheelchair, put the ball in place and helped her bowl for the first time. The smile on her face was priceless and heavenly. Hanna bowled her first "strike" that day! It was the best birthday present I ever had.
I hope someday you all will experience the kind of love and joy I experienced this birthday. It had started out as a rough weekend but with loving care and tenacity that is gripping, I think the Lord went right out and stole my Birthday Glee back for me. Sunday night at church, Caroline sang a song which reminded me of this weekend:
Turn your eyes to Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face
and the things of earth will grow strangely dim
in the light of His Glory and Grace.
All of my problems seem dim when I look into these faces that love me and see the light of Jesus shine through.
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