Saturday, November 26, 2011

Humility is a Verb

Several weeks ago, I helped host a special needs event with some folks at my church. We had about 30 volunteers. I was in awe of one of the other volunteers, her name was Annie. Annie is a photographer for the local papers. She came to take pictures for the event but we ended up not needing her. Many people could have walked away frustrated but Annie went right on helping. If she saw someone needed help, she did it. The last hour of the event, all she did was refill water pitchers. It was one of the most humble acts of kindness that I have seen. Not only was she willing to set aside what she was asked to do, she picked up a menial task and had fun doing it. It was then I realized that humility was not just reflected in the words you say but it is reflected in the actions you take and in what you do.

I carried this thought around with me for several to put humility in action. I wasn't sure how to apply this to my life. Then one Sunday, I was worshipping during communion. I stood holding the cup and wafer. The next thing I realized the cracker snapped in my fingers, it was broken. Held in my hand was the broken bread that symbolizes the broken body of my savior...I had broken it. In that moment, I was reminded that is was my sin which brought Christ to die on the cross. His death, his body broken and beaten, was for me, for the sin I commit everyday. I wept for the love, the gift I was given. I wept for the sorrow I cause God, my mighty Father. I was humbled and amazed.

I don't have all the answers. I know that I won't ever be sin free on Earth but I pray I will everyday die to the sin in my life. May I remember the humility of the cross. Humility is a verb. Jesus put it into action and asks that we keep it going.

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