Sunday, July 3, 2011

Super Power Dilemia

I was stuck in traffic today...While I live in the Seattle area and this is not all that unusual, I have become somewhat of an expert about avoiding it. When you drive enough, you learn the back roads and traffic patterns. It's been probably a year and 1/2 that I have been so stuck I couldn't get out of it. Today, I was that stuck. As I felt like I wasted an hour and fifteen minutes driving from one place to another, a trip that should have taken me 30mins maximum, I began dreaming about a super power to see far in the distance.
(Let me say I am not one to dream about super powers. In fact, its my least favorite ice breaker question there is...well, that & "What's the one goal you want to accomplish in your life time?" I mean seriously I just meet you and you want to know what's my goals...first learn my name and maybe my favorite color and then we will work up to questions on goals. I digress...on to super powers.)

I thought wouldn't it be great if I could see far far far away. Being so nearsighted that without glasses or contacts I can't even see the chart on the wall with the Large E in the doctor's office , this power sounded really good. I began to think that I would be able to see into the skies, the stars and moons would be so close. I could see around the world, which would be amazing. I could see traffic jams everywhere and of course, then avoid them (as this was the current problem I was dealing with).

Sounds good right?

But then of course, having this new found desire for this amazing super power, I began wanting more. I thought well maybe I could even see into the future too. You know across the "distance of time." Then it set in...that feeling in my gut that said something was wrong. It's kind of like spiritual heartburn, something just isn't sitting right, like bad leftover tuna salad.
And I realized...

That's the original sin: The desire to know what God knows, to know what's going to happen and when; to have the answers...

Sigh...I guess it's back to the drawing board for imaginary super powers...If super sight is not the super power, maybe I could fly or have super speed or...maybe I could realize it's God in me that already gives me super powers: the ability to love, everlasting life, forgiveness for my sins and the ability to forgive others, grace in abundance. I guess that's super powers enough.

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