Sunday, October 31, 2010

Grace Like Hot Potatoes

It's been so long since I have sat down to blog. I am still finding my wings in this blogging world...wrestling with ideas and topics and things to say. I am still struggling with expressing the fullness of what is on my heart. I know that seems strange as those who know me will tell you I am not quiet...but many times I hold back what is fully going on in my thoughts and heart. I am learning to be me and that it's OK to be me because my God loves me, delights in me even. I am learning it's OK to change me too. To look at things different or in new ways and to enjoy change. Not fear it. Growing can be a beautiful terrifying thing.

Tonight, (big breath) I am enjoying a change.

I was reading Jonah these last couple of weeks. We were talking about Jonah in my Sunday school class...on obedience (of course.) I have to say I had never read it as an adult. It was comforting to put aside the childhood version and settle into the grownup version, to see it in a new light and hear from God. My breath is always stolen when I am reminded that the Word is a living, breathing form of God's love.

Here is the story of Jonah, chapter 4 and here is what I heard:

Jonah after having been given a second chance to obey God, went to Nineveh and informed them of the consequences of the lives they chosen. The people then choose to turn away from their lives of sin and turn towards God. God, being the good God he is, choose to forgive them and spare their lives. Jonah gets mad at this and leaves (I am sensing a theme in his life). He literally goes into the desert and pouts. God presents him with a shade tree that grew over night and then takes it away. Jonah gets mad again. God says what right do you have to get mad? You didn't do anything to grow this tree. It was me. Just like it was me who saved Nineveh and just like it's me who gets to choose to forgive them. (I am paraphrasing here of course.)

Jonah describes God in his words: "I knew you were sheer grace and mercy, not easily angered, rich in love, and ready at the drop of a hat to turn your plans of punishment into a program of forgiveness!"

What a great God Jonah knows! He personally knew God's grace and mercy and was given a second chance to not only be obedient but also be used by God for his plan and purpose. Yet, Jonah is mad about this because Jonah (now said with a sarcastic head bobble) wanted to keep that grace and mercy for himself.

This is where I should declare Jonah to be a selfish, selfish man and a great disappointment to the Lord...but maybe Jonah thought there was only enough grace for him. Maybe he thought God would run out of Grace and Mercy and thought somehow he was the only one who needed it and deserved it.

I do this. I so want to store up God's graces like I am some kind of squirrel who is storing up nuts for the winter. I pack them away in the tree house of my heart and think they are just for me. Maybe someday, when I have enough for the long winter, I will share with others. But really grace is something I shouldn't hold on to. It's more like hot potatoes then nuts. Pass it on to whoever you can, as quick as possible because when you let go, you open up your hands to receive more grace and if you don't then you run the risk of being like Jonah and getting a little burned.

See truthfully God never runs out of grace or mercy or forgiveness...not for us...not for you and and not for me...really he is just lending them to us...playing one big hot potato game. Pass it on.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Grumpies say the darnest things

I have been writing a collection of things people tell me in my job. I am itching to see my patients, my grumpies. (the old or sick can be very grumpy; I started calling them grumpies because, somewhere along the way, their grumpiness became charming to me.) I think they have a lot to teach us and I love that I get a chance to stop and listen. They do say the darnedest things sometimes...

One woman who had just arrived home from the hospital when I was on the phone with her husband and was trying to give me directions to her house says "well if they can't find it, I'll come find them. Of course, I can't walk very well yet." I laughed and told her "you will just hobble on down the road after them with your walker." I can just picture it.

Another woman, when I asked how she was doing, said "oh I am almost as good as new and after you come I'll be right as rain." Though I am not sure rain is something you should shoot for, I was glad to hear this.

Good Advice in life: "Don't pick up any naked hitchhikers or take any wooden nickels."

And when you need some help...
"Rent a grandkid." for electronic support i.e. Working remote controls.

A multi-generational poem: one woman said this was from her mother:

"If it's not one thing it's another.
Oh my finger
Oh my thumb
Oh my back
Oh my bum"

One gentleman answering the phone: "Kelly's bar...Kelly's on the floor."

"Some people make us laugh which is better than those who make us make me laugh."

"Well aren't you the sunshine in my day."- that's kind of sweet.

When asking one gentleman if he drives (I think he was 91): "Well, no more than I have to as the kids don't want me to, and as fast as I can, as the cops keep chasing me...but I got me one of those electronic garage openers and I keep it open and drive right in and close it as quick as pie so the cops just drive right on by. You won't tell will you?" I couldn't tell if he was serious or not...

Oh the things I hear in my job...

More to come later.